APPIE 一般財団法人 日本粉体工業技術協会 The Association of Powder Process Industry and Engineering, JAPAN


APPIE > Membership


Associate Membership of APPIE is open to companies outside of Japan.

1Associate members shall be as follows

  1. A corporation engaged in the manufacture or sale of machinery relating to powders.
  2. A corporation that manufactures or sells powders or manufactures or sells products using powders.
  3. A corporation engaged in the engineering business related to powder
  4. Legal entities with expert knowledge and experience in powder manufacturing technology

2Member Benefits

  • Discounts on exhibit fee of POWTEX.
  • Discounts on standard test powders.
  • Opportunity to participate members only meetings*
  • Discounts on fees for seminars and training courses*
  • Discounts on fees for technical group meetings*

*Japanese language only


Annual membership dues:
Entrance dues:

4Membership Application

To become an associate member, an application form must be submitted.

Together with the application form, the following documents should be provided.

  • Articles of Incorporation
  • Copy of Corporate registration

Please return the completed form with above documents to:

*Membership applications will be screened by the entrance review committee.